Let's once more revist two grovy gangs of good guys from the mid-60's, which we had discussed earlier, the T.H.U.N.D.E.R Agents and the Sentational Sentinels of Justice. First the highflying Helio and Raven:

Due to the device he wore, Menthor (John Janus) eventually turned good, first while wearing it and later it influenced him full time. Mind Bender (identity unknown) apparently never had a compulsion towards the welfare of his fellow man, either before or after his accident.
Helio soon clashed with Mind-Bender after this mad man brainwashed Brute. During the course of a lengthy battle, gravity got the better of Bender leading to a gruesome demise for the arch villain.

Years later, he apparently returned via a residual mental presence housed inside his helmet, now worn by a mysterious new heroine as Menthor.

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